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Terms of Use is a community resource, designed by the community for the community. Pictures have been published with owners permission. Pictures may not be re-published or used on any other platform, or media without, or the owners express permission.  

Historical information has been gathered from local sources and the internet, and has been referenced on the website. Our intention is only to shed light on our beautiful valley and inform, not to plagiarise anyone's work.

​ is a safe space to learn about Bleddfa. Abusive messages or behaviour 'we' deem to be offensive will not be tolerated and offenders will be blocked and if needed reported to the relevant authorities.  

If you chose to sign up to our mailing list, your details will be stored in accordance with EU and UK law under GDPR. We promise we will never share or sell any details we hold. The details you chose to share with us will only be used to contact you with our Newsletter, to update you with any local news or inform you of any upcoming events. 


We welcome feedback and contributions from any member of our community or visitors and suggestions are always very welcome! We hope to expand to accommodate everyone's needs and continue being a useful resource for all. 

We would love Blog contributions from our community, and any pictures old and new to share. 


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